Django Wexler / The Thousand Names / Outstanding Series Opener

Django Wexler has my attention
The Thousand Names held my attention
The protagonist, a personally favored twist

Winter, a young woman on the run
Posing as a young man
Hiding as a common foot soldier

The colonial army is far from home
Khandar is a bleak, arid, stifling land
The natives are restless

The world building is full immersion
You know you are there
Khandar is an uncomfortable place

Enter the new leader of the troops
A very enigmatic fellow
A man with an agenda
The Thousand Names

The magic
As expected

My foot is tapping
I am waiting
Book 2 of The Shadow Campaigns
Publication date and title unknown
Not my kind of mystery
My foot is tapping
I despise impatience
Especially my own impatience

I will listen to music
I will listen to The Civil Wars
I will listen to Civil Wars

Lauren Beukes / The Shining Girls / Beukes' Voice Will Not Be Denied

Moxyland melted me (post)
Zoo City glued me to the pages (post)

The Shining Girls, I am in awe
All ancillary attention appropriated
The only thing I could do was read

Lauren Beukes moved from paperbacks
To a mainstream publisher and a hardback book
Well Done Ms Beukes, very well indeed

The story, so intriguing
Keeping the plot coherent
A work of art

A trophy obsessed serial killer
Capable of moving in time
Only from 1929 to 1992

A survivor brimming with grit and determination
Obsessed with a desire for justice
A young woman without an iota of quit in her

The Shining Girls will not be found in Science Fiction
This shining beast is in the Fiction collection

Gillian Welch
Revival  (c)1996

David Weber & Jane M Lindskold / Treecat Wars / Star Kingdom Novel 3

O Happy Day
I love the Honor Harrington Series
I love the YA prequels, The Star Kingdom Series
1. A Beautiful Friendship (post)
2. Fire Season (post)

David Weber is a wise man
He chose Jane M Lindskold to help
MS Lindskold knows YA Lit
The YA stories capativate the reader

Treecat Wars brought a whole new think to Treecats
Reading this prequel series / Makes me want to reread
Wish I had the time
Treecat Wars will be released October 1, 2013

Time (the Revelator)
Gillian Welch