Esurient For Summer Reads? Grab A Plate

Kevin Hearne is standing on a tall pedestal
Hounded, book one of The Iron Druid Chronicles
Young Atticus O'Sullivan, twenty one
Is really the last Druid alive
His real age, well, he is very very very old
Sidohachan O'Suileabhain has seen it all
There are Gods still roaming the earth
and plenty of Demons, Ghouls, Witches and the like
Atticus has a plethora of enemies
And a few very important and powerful friends
Werewolves and Vampires for starters
The book is laden with humor
Not a little of which
His dialogue in mind speak
With his Irish Wolf Hound, Oberon
The pages will fly
Time will pass you by
Why didn't the publisher publish in hardback?
Same thing I thought after reading Brent Weeks
Those of you as enthralled with The Night Angel Trilogy
Will wonder as much, which reminds me
We need new copies of The Night Angel Trilogy
You've warn them weary
I'll get on it
Book two, Hexed is already here
Currently in my paws
Book three will probably hit the stacks in later July

Music, Something Old and Timeless
New to our collection
Neil Young
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, 1969

Don't miss this one!

Strange And Wonderful Science Fiction

Heads Up and Woo Hoo!
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I now understand all the buzz in the press
The Quantum Thief delivers
Hannum Rajaniemi is an imaginative fellow
I was not over worked keeping up
I did have to pay attention
But, that was easy, I was totally immersed
The protagonist begins the story in prison
A very very bazaar prison
His removal from said prison is cunning
Arriving on a, yet imagined, future Mars is straight forward
The city is not straight forward
Layers and layers of power struggle and manipulation
The finish left me with satisfied anticipation
What are the true dynamics of freedom
Who are we? Which are we?
The Universe has a new author to watch

Former lead guitar for The Band
Robbie Robertson
Music made collaborating with Eric Clapton
Many great guitar players featured
How To Become Clairvoyant
Don't miss it

Lauren Beukes Maintains Ownership

Zoo City kept me turning the pages
Lauren Beukes' Zoo City has a different impact
Moxyland floored me, Ironed me flat
Zoo City entertained
Kept me curiouser and curiouser
By the end, I was sated
It was time to close the book
More to come? I sure hope so
Zoo City does not have the linguistic flash
Moxyland ruled my world
Zoo City's young fem protagonist wraps you up
You want to know more
Maybe not get too close
Think Edgy Urban Fantasy Procedural
Or not, but think something

Emmylou Harris
Hard Bargain

Pure SteamPunk / Dazzling

I like Steampunk
Admittedly I didn't notice it until
The Difference Engine by Gibson and Sterling
I paid closer attention after that
Tim Akers has just dazzled me
The purest, no genera wash, pure Steampunk
Heart of Veridon kept me up late
Took every spare minute of the days in hand
Left me chomping for a bit
Hoping to reign my impatience in
Book two is in the works and will arrive soon
E gads, what a read! Whew!

Music you too, might have missed
The Decemberists
The Hazards of Love and The King is Dead

The Lost Fleet Heads Into The Deep Dark

Jack Campbell writes enjoyable space opera
His, The Lost Fleet series gets a new subtitle
It's getting ridiculously long
The Lost Fleet: Beyond The Frontier: Dreadnaught
Okay,    Series Title:     Sub-Series Title:     Title
Jack?  Publisher?  Publisher?  Jack?
Somebody is a little title happy
I'm sure glad the author continues
With good pacing and enjoyable stories
Multidimensional characters
Space Candy, Yummy

New Music just in the library
Steve Winwood
Revolutions: the very best of Steve Winwood
If you were to throw the parts of my brain
That contain Steve Winwood memories
Into a Veg-O-Matic, and then let it sit for a day
The Skim Cream would result in this CD
It's brilliant. It's the songs I want to hear
Starting with two cuts from his early teens
with The Spencer Davis Group; I'm A Man
His influence on the group was overwhelming
Three or four cuts from Traffic
Starting with my All Time Favorite Song
Forty Thousand Headmen
Several more from Blind Faith
and finishing with some newer music
Fondest memory; all but leaning on his B3
The Family Dog, Denver, Co 1969
Eric Clapton standing right there in front of me
Skinny little Ginger Baker in the back on the drums
Chills run up my spine thinking about it.
I was young and dumb, they owned me


Half Share By Nathan Lowell Does Not Miss A Beat

Somewhere in one of the books
Perhaps an interview with Nathan Lowell on the web
The author explained his motive in writing
Trader's Tales from The Golden Age Of The Solar Clipper
It made perfect sense.
His aim is not to boldly go somewhere
But, to capture life on a space freighter
It's not about aliens
This is not about saving the Universe

It's about saving one another, about being human.
Quarter Share thrilled me
Its simplicity and story telling absolutely captivating
Half Share seamlessly continues the story
I had a free weekend and wasted no time
Reading every word, pausing at every comma
Landing satisfied at the finish.
In the Deep Dark, on a Solar Clipper
Crew is Family

Salt of the earth story
Salt of the earth music
Levon Helm (of The Band)
Dirt Farmer 2007
Electric Dirt 2009