The Steampunk Chronicles / Kady Cross / Books 1 & 2

Got lost in YA the other day
Came up for air after two and a half fast reads

Kady Cross knocked me out
Book 1 The Girl in the Steel Corset
Starts with a bang
It opens with the novella; I had read on a device
The Strange Case of Finley Jane

Finley is introduced
Her uniqueness is revealed
Her character is defined
You are left wanting
More Please

I burned through the book immediately
Other unique friends are boarded
Plot thickens and knuckles whiten
Loads of excitement

Book 2's title teases
The Girl in the Clockwork Collar
Leaving London for Manhattan
The social dynamics change
It is America after all

A new villain
A new plot
Finley Jane is getting comfortable with her uniqueness
The other players become more complex
The Steampunk Chronicles are off and running

I forgot to mention
The publisher is Harlequin Teen
The romantic tensions are a delight
If you are old and think of Harlequin like me
This book will change your thinking, utterly

New to the collection
The Avett Brothers
I and Love and You (2009)

The Mad Scientist's Daughter / Cassandra Rose Clarke / Take A Bow Cassandra

The Mad Scientist's Daughter
Only a woman could write this
Who would believe a man

I want to spoil the whole thing
I want to tell you everything
Better to say nothing

My heart and my brain
Tearing me to pieces
Both fully engaged

Reading the last page
I am rendered
I am clarified
I am ghee

Cassandra Rose Clarke
If she writes it
Read it

New to our music collection
Dear to my heart
Faithless Street
by Whiskeytown (1998)
Some of Ryan Adams earlier work

Trent Jamieson / Roil / The Nightbound Land

Blistered fingers and all
It was a good read
The characters are dynamic
The world is Messy

As with some other Angry Robot Books
This is, once again, a mash-up
Science Fiction; Fantasy; Almost, not quite, Steam
I'm becoming quite fond of the mix

The three protagonists are endearing
Each in his or her own way
They are complex creatures
A Near Immortal, A Junkie, and A Mad Woman
(Mad as in Angry)

The world is in a pickle
Only the three can fix it
Time, of course, is running out
The World Machine is Phenomenal

Some new and unique thinking going on here
Terra forming
Intentions vs Outcomes
Malignant vs Benign
Fun stuff to think about

Loaded with action on several fronts
Science to ponder throughout
People to love and loath
Ideas to grab and gasp

Trent Jamieson
The Nightbound Land Series
Book #1 Roil
Book #2 Night's Engines
I'm reading #2 soon as it gets here!

One For the Dance Halls
Jesse Dayton

Cursed / Alex Verus Novel 2 / Benedict Jacka

I really like reading the Alex Verus Novels
His attitude and attention to business
His indifference to his mistakes
Alex Verus is not perfect
How fresh is that

Fleshed out his characters
The plot got thicker and richer
Alex can't hide from himself, like he has
Luna can make a fool of herself, and survive

The plot lines continue to be very dynamic
The magic continues to entertain
The villians are henious

Alex Verus #2
I am so pleased it holds up
I want to know more of the cast
I want the characters to keep growing
Next up and soon to read, book #4, Taken

The design? I'm easily entertained
The dog ate all my verse
The clutch went out

I lost track of time
I couldn't think of a thing
It's my mother's fault, I'm so ashamed

I was in a hurry, I wanted to read a book!

Lucinda Williams
Live @ the Fillmore (c 2005)