The Bookman / Lavie Tidhar / Intelligent Fantasy / More Please

The book sat on the shelf, unread
I kept running across reviews
I realized it was from Angry Robot
My favored, new author, publisher
Have yet to find a book I did not finish
Angry Robot knows what they are doing

I checked out the book
I eased into the slipstream
A delightful mash-up of genre
A story filled with historic players
Marx, Shakespeare, Holmes and many others
A puzzling mystery to unravel
Most importantly, the protagonist, Orphan
A young man just wanting to do the right thing
The Bookman
What denizen of the library could resist the title
What SF&F buff could resist the content
Aliens, Revolution, Alt-History, Romance, Steam
Lavie Tidhar, coming on strong

Hunger Games: Songs From District 12 And Beyond
An interesting compilation

The Mongoliad by Neal Stephenson And Everybody Else

Starting life as a community driven web series
The Mongoliad,book one of the Foreworld Saga
Has been edited, enhance and printed
It is a rousing story set in the year 1241
The Mongols are afoot and wreaking havoc
Everyone falls to their superior force
An attempt to save Christendom is planed
This is the story of the players

Plenty of action
Loads of plotting
Most enjoyable

Credits are given to 7 authors
Neal Stephenson, Greg Bear, Mark Teppo, Erik Bear,
E.D. deBirmingham, Joseph Brassey and Cooper Moo
Neal Stephenson's stamp is everywhere

Neal Stephenson has been on my
Must Read List since Snow Crash (1992)
You need to read his works wide awake
He is a a very bright boy
Reading his stories will make you smarter
Much smarter

Music for smart people
Florence + The Machine 
MTV Unplugged