Marianne De Pierres / Mythmaker / The Story Just Keeps Getting Better

I really enjoyed Peacemaker  (post)
The idea of the last natural lands on the planet
A young woman trying to keep it safe
The rest of the world interfering with her work

Mythmakerbook 2 of the Peacemaker Series
More engaging than Peacemaker, if that is even possible
Broadened the scope of the story
And upped the ante in danger to park and planet
Virgin Jackson more endearing than ever

Mythos, demons you may or may not be familiar with
Are showing up more frequently
In greater numbers
They are everywhere
Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!

Not everyone can see the Mythos
Not just anything can kill a Mythos
Virgin Jackson and Nate Sixkiller can

Virgin Jackson is now on assignment
Working for the GJIC (Global Joint Intelligence  Commission)
With US Marshal Nate Sixkiller
Tasked to stop the Mythos
Not a simple thing to do

Least I forget to tell you
The head of the GJIC, Commander Orlean
The woman who abandoned Virgin and her father so long ago
Did not know she was even alive
Virgin's mother, Yikes!
Life can be so complicated

This is terrific urban fantasy
The world is a delight to read about
The city next to the park, messy, wonderfully messy
Virgin Jackson more likable with every turn of the page
Marianne De Pierres, take a bow, Standing Ovation!

Publisher of this mash-up?
Angry Robot of course

Might fine music at the library
Nashville ObsoleteDave Rawlings Machine

Matt Hill / Graft / 448 Pages of 'wth' / That's Right Mascara Snake, What The Heck

Who'd a thunk it?
Matt Hill thought of it
Sizzling, Bizarre, Shiny
Okay, Okay
There is nothing Shiny here
Maybe a clean car

It's 2025 Manchester England
Everything sucks, big time
Sol runs a chop shop
Old cars for old parts
Why oh why did they jack a shiny new Lexus
Big mistake, really Big mistake

I've just finished the eARC
Thank you Angry Robot!

Often a little confused
My mind miss-directing itself
Thinking I "knew" something
I didn't
Always Locked-In
Full of Wonderment, ooh

About the Lexus
There was a surprise in the boot
A woman
A woman with three arms
"Made to order"

Something new in music
The Milk Carton Kids
Don't miss it