Peadar O'Guilin / The Call / Three Minutes To Live Or Die / Absolutely As Good As YA Literature Gets

Peadar O'Guilin has copied no one
The Call stands firmly on it's own
Ireland, all of Ireland, is united
Ireland is cloaked by a fog
Nothing penetrates, nothing passes through
There is but one enemy, the Sidhe, the Fae
The Fae are angry
Banished long ago to their horrid grey world
Now they are punishing the Irish
Calling the children, Killing the children
Maiming the children and sending some home alive

Nessa, a young teen with polio stricken legs
Fighting for her life
Training to survive "The Call"

The world build here is terrific
The social dynamics, well, dynamic
Cliques of elitists
Struggling humanists
Denial ridden oblivious
All the stuff of a dynamic society
All the young, waiting, "The Call"
The Sidhe grey world
A Living Night Mare

The pacing, always engaging
The mystery, palpable
"The Call" horrifying
Three minutes away
A full day with the Sidhe
Running, Fighting, Dying

Nessa, a protagonist to root for
A protagonist who needs your support

Michael Franti