Madeline Ashby / Company Town / The Good Stuff / Heavens To Murgatroyd

I Love Madeline Ashby
Her Machine Dynasty books knocked me over
Company Town owned my head space, start to finish

The near future setting
An Off-Shore Oil Rig / City
A future of Corporate States
Bio-engineered human enhancements
Lots of mystery
A serial killer

Hwa, the young protagonist
She has no enhancements
Totally organic
Morally sound
Conflicted as hell
Yippee Ki Yay Ki Yo
A Cowboy's dream girl, fer shur

Pick a time, Any time
Company Town will own you, start to finish

Ten Songs From Live At Carnegie Hall
Ryan Adams

Robert Kroese / The Big Sheep / Delightfully Strange Nior Romp

Saw the Cover, Read the title, Had two thoughts
Raymond Chandler, Philip K. Dick
Was not disappointed

An homage?  /   A homage?
The debate continues
No debate about the book
Definitely An/A Homage to both authors

The Near Future 2039
Absolutely believable
The city partitioned
Keeping the have-not's at bay
And at war with one another
(Yes, Like now, without the partitions)

The Mystery? Very Mysterious
A pretty girl, (Super Star Actress)
A really big Sheep (That probably dreams)
And Clones, Lots of Clones
A very Quirky Detective
Partnered with a Hard Boiled Straight Man
(Need I mention Cynicism, Plenty of Cynicism)

Robert Kroese, The Big Sheep

True Sadness, Avett Brothers