Marianne de Pierres / Peacemaker / Near Future Science Fiction / Sweet

Virgin Jackson is a park ranger
Virgins' domain is the last of the natural landscape
Virgin is having visions, or are they real

A body count where there should be none is growing
The park service is sending unrequested help
US Marshal Nate Sixkiller a tall, lean, stoic, Native American

Virgin does not play well with others
Nate does not play
The two of them are just not meant for a fun time

The world building left nothing to be desired
The park, the city, the slums
I am anxious to return

It's a great mash-up of genre
Noir, urban fantasy, western, sci-fi and so much more

The characters are enjoyable
The plot twisted and always interesting

Marianne de Pierres
Peacmaker book 1

New Music
A must for Alt Country, Singer Songwriter fans
Not just the top of my play list
Almost always on the box
Every start of my wife's ride, it's playing
Deceivingly  simple, Monstrously complex
As my friend replied to an email query
"She has got some tough, powerful lyrics!!!
Feeling a little "destroyed" right now...
in a good way"
Says it all
Amy Ray
Goodnight Tender

Adam Christopher / Burning Dark / Sci-Fi Horror Mash-up

Burning Dark by Adam Christopher
The Spider Wars book 1
I rarely read horror novels
I thought about putting this one down

It's not just a horror story
It's science fiction
I was too invested in the protagonist
I'm glad I kept reading

At the get go
Delightful space opera
Magnificent space battle
Intriguing enemy

On the flip side
Psychological thriller
Extraordinary mind games
Utterly disturbing enemy

On the whole
Satisfying science fiction
Many unanswered questions
Obviously, more to come

Drive-By Truckers
English Oceans